Archbishop Gallagher at the
Summit on the International Day
for the Total Elimination
of Nuclear Weapons

NEW YORK — On October 2, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, gave a pre-recorded intervention from the Vatican during the United Nations International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
The Statements from UN Member States and Permanent Observers were all delivered via pre-recorded message because of travel restrictions to New York during COVID-19.
In his remarks, Archbishop Gallagher recalled how the United Nations was founded in the context of the menace of nuclear weapons 75 years ago.
He acknowledged the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all those who have found ways to limit nuclear weapons and those who helped negotiate the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), urging States that have not yet signed or ratified the Treaty to do so.
He stated that no State may claim an entitlement to weapons of mass destruction and reiterated Pope Francis’ condemnation not only regarding the use but also the possession of nuclear weapons. He urged nuclear possessing States to adopt a No-First-Use policy.
He expressed hope that the postponement of the twentieth review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation Treaty will breathe new life into it and urged rebuilding measures for non-proliferation, like the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), The Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) and the establishment of the Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.
The 75th anniversary of the use of nuclear weapons is the time for the nations of the world to commit to the abolition of nuclear weapons, he concluded.
To read the text of his intervention, please click here. To view the intervention, please click here.
Holy See Statement by
Ms. Francesca Di Giovanni
at the UN High-Level Meeting on the
25th Anniversary of the
4th World Conference on Women

NEW YORK — On October 1, Ms. Francesca DiGiovanni, Undersecretary for the Multilateral Sector of the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, gave a pre-recorded intervention from the Vatican during the United Nations High-Level Meeting on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995.
The Statements from UN Member States and Permanent Observers were all delivered via pre-recorded message because of travel restrictions to New York during COVID-19.
In her remarks, DiGiovanni said that the Beijing Conference drew attention to important and urgent questions regarding the dignity, role and rights of women. The Holy See actively contributed to the Conference, she said, and remains a steadfast promoter of the dignity of women.
Over the past 25 years, she said, the world has witnessed many great advances for women, but also many new forms of poverty and exploitation as well as threats to their life and dignity.
She focused on four key areas: lifting women out of poverty; education; health care; and the dehumanization and violence many women endure.
She underlined that in some places, certain aspects of women’s sexual and reproductive health have been overemphasized, to the detriment of women’s capacity for motherhood. She added that others are seeking recognition of “new rights” not found in the Beijing Conference or in international human rights treaties.
She said that addressing the challenges women face today must involve everyone, with women leading the effort in harmony with men.
To read the text of the intervention, please click here.
To view the intervention on the Holy See's YouTube Channel, please click here.
Archbishop Gallagher's Statement
at the UN Summit on Biodiversity

Archbishop Gallagher delivers the Holy See's statement at the Summit on Biodiversity held at the United Nations on September 30, 2020
NEW YORK — On September 30, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, gave a pre-recorded intervention from the Vatican during the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity.
The Statements from UN Member States and Permanent Observers were all delivered via pre-recorded message because of travel restrictions to New York during COVID-19.
In his remarks, Archbishop Gallagher repeated Pope Francis’ recent remarks, “We cannot pretend to be health in a world that is sick” or “remain silent before … the destruction and exploitation of the ecosystem.”
He said that the rapid loss of biodiversity has many causes and the consequences of that loss threaten the well-being of both the planet and persons.
We must rethink development paradigms, he said, so that the environment is not considered an exploitable deposit of resources.
What is needed is an integral development that incorporates a holistic understanding of the environmental, economic, social and human implications of our shared natural resources, he stated.
The present pandemic makes plain the urgent need for this new paradigm he underlined.
To read the text of his intervention, please click here.
To view his statement on the Holy See Mission's Youtube channel, please click here.
Archbishop Caccia's Statement
at the UN Ministerial-Level Meeting
on the Central African Republic

NEW YORK — On October 1, Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, gave a statement at the Ministerial-Level Meeting on the Central African Republic (CAR), held virtually at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
In his remarks, Archbishop Caccia noted that in a few months the citizens of the Central African Republic will be voting for their president and legislative representatives.
He said he hopes that the elections will repeat the peaceful elections of 2015-16.
While detailing positive steps in the country since then, he expressed concern about the ongoing tensions in the country and gratitude for the Ministerial Meeting, which allowed friends of the CAR to convene and encourage greater adherence to the commitments made.
He highlighted the work of the Bangui Pediatric Complex and the partnership with Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome and echoed Pope Francis' words in his visit to Bangui that the people of the country, its leaders, and international partners will work ceaselessly for unity, human dignity, justice and peace.
To read the text of his intervention, please click here.
A Celebration of St. Thérèse
with Her Missionary Catechists

On October 1, the Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face (otherwise known as St. Thérèse of Lisieux or the "Little Flower"), the team of the Holy See Mission celebrated with the two Missionary Catechists of St. Thérèse on staff, Mother Teodora Juan, Office Manager (seated to the left of Archbishop Caccia in the photo), and Sister Elsa Nacianceno, Business Manager (seated to the right of the Archbishop). After Mass in the Holy See Mission Chapel, the Sisters hosted a nutritious festive breakfast in the Holy See Mission kitchen for interns and staff members.
The Remote General Assembly Hall

During the General Debate of the General Assembly as well as during the Summits of High Level period, the Conference Room of the Holy See Mission became an extension of the General Assembly Hall. Only one representative from each Mission was allowed within the General Assembly at any given time, and therefore the staff and interns of the Mission would watch the interventions of the Holy See, and various other interventions, in the Conference Room. Here the staff views Archbishop Gallagher during the Summit of Biodiversity (top) and the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (bottom left) and Francesca Di Giovanni at the Summit on the 25th Anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women.
The Laborers Deserve Their Wage

At the end of the General Debate, the staff and interns of the Holy See Mission got together to celebrate with a festive dinner. Originally scheduled outside on the new deck of the Mission, the party was moved indoors because of rain. The smiles shown as each of the staff members and interns shared a few impressions of the major moments of the General Debate.