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Past Interns



First row/Seated (L to R): Matthew Matisz (USA), Hazel Fernandez (Philippines), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Jackalyn Ballard (USA), Augustine Preziosi (USA)

Second/Back row (L to R): James Basch (USA), Marcell Máttyus (Hungary), Francesco Laureti (Italy), Max Yun (Canada), Bernardo Cellini (Portugal/Italy)

FALL 2023

First row (L to R): Camila Sacedo-Espitia (Columbia), Terese Bernatonyte (Lithuania), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia (Italy), Isabella Reed (United Kingdom/Italy), Miriam Green (United Kingdom/Ireland)

Second/Back row (L to R): Matthew Kluge (USA), Francesco Laureti (Italy), Mateo Arana Brando (Columbia/Italy), Josemaría Rodríguez Conca (Chile), Max Yun (Canada)


L-R: Sea Yun Pius Joung (Korea), Peter Paolo (USA), Gabriele Pirrello (Italy), Bruno Fonseca (Brazil), Luísa Shida (Brazil), Grace Maffucci (USA), Rev. Msgr. Robert Murphy – Deputy Permanent Observer (United Kingdom)


L-R: Benedetta Viviano (Italy), Ciara Hogan (United Kingdom), Marcello Marcello (Italy), Nicholas Bonfiglio (USA), Patricia Onuoha (Nigeria), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Johannes Bonnelycke (Denmark), Carlos Garcés (Ecuador), Alexandre Kubala (France), and Daniela Saffie Budnik (Chile)

FALL 2022

L-R (Seated): Nikki Alcantar (Philippines), Carlos Garcés (Ecuador), Rosario Carrillo (Honduras), Ana Ruiz (Mexico);

L-R (Standing): Benedetta Viviano (Italy), Péter Juhász (Hungary), Mária Smutelovičova (Slovakia), Ciara Hogan (United Kingdom), and Anna Whitehead (United Kingdom)


L-R: Megan Gooley (USA), Angelina Soriano (Mexico), Seb Javier (Philippines), Savannah Willard (USA), Archbishop Gabriele G. Caccia - Permanent Observer to the UN, José Latorre (Spain), Felipe Chertouh (Brazil/France) Jerome Green (UK), and Matthew Remedios (Canada)

Spring 2022

L-R: (Seated) Ewa Rejman (Poland), Saramarie Wade (USA), Lauren Frawley (USA); (Standing): Conall Preston (UK), Rosario Carrillo (Honduras), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Father Roger Landry, Aude Lajouanie (France), Camillo Pérez (Colombia). 

Fall 2021

L-R: (Seated) Peter Corkery (Canada), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Harry Rawcliffe (UK); (Standing): Daisy Vanderputt (UK), Camilla Magis (Germany), Lauren Frawley (USA), Elizabeth Sadusky (USA), Ewa Rejman (Poland), Kristine Leonardo (Philippines). 

Summer 2021

L-R: (Seated) Sara Maragno (Italy), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Hannah Kelley (USA); (Standing): Jonathan Green (UK), David Dry (USA), Diego Loras Gimeno (Spain), John Hale (USA), Jeremy Puntel (USA), Gautier Parthon de Von (Belgium/France).

Spring 2021

L-R: (Seated) Jean Maloney (USA), Kayla Auza (USA); (Standing): Andres Polanco Achury (Colombia); Juan Pedro Dubié (Argentina/Italy), José Melendez Garcia (Nicaragua), Pedro Perez (Cuba/USA).

Fall 2020

L-R: (Seated) Jean Maloney (USA), Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, Marisa Martinez (USA); (Standing): Juan Francisco Padin (Argentina), Pedro Perez (Cuba/USA), Thomas Murphy (Canada), Father Roger Landry, Francesco Teruggi (Italy), David Lewandowski (USA)

(There was no Summer 2020 class because of the COVID-19 Pandemic)

Spring 2020

L-R: Jeremy Faust (USA), Colleen Leahy (USA), Martin Okoye (Nigeria), Rensi Pua (The Philippines), Ricardo Sanchez ( Peru), Sofia Lesmes (Colombia/USA), Francesco Terrugi (Italy), Elia Berlingerio (Italy)

Fall 2019

L-R: Veronica Czarnik (USA), Sofia Lesmes (Colombia/USA), Christabel Fernandez (Singapore), Aaron Humphriss (UK), Patrick Fernandez (The Philippines), Carmen Tate (USA), Colette Power (UK), and Emily Ghazoul (USA) (not pictured: Chiara Mocchi)

Summer 2019

L-R: Melinda David (USA), Olivia Owino (Uganda), Pedro Weizenmann (Brazil), Siobhan Heekin-Canedy (USA/Ukraine), Johannes Ludwig (Germany), Portio Berry-Kilby (United Kingdom) and John Ketchum (USA).

Spring 2019

L-R: Roxanne Heidrich (Germany), Jose Villanueva (Peru), Lia Alejo  (The Philippines), Chiara Mocchi (Italy), Luke Miller (USA), Corrinne Burns (USA), Alexander Mac Donald (Canada),  Giulia Iop (Italy) (not pictured: Juan Daray)

Fall 2018

L-R: Janina Talamayan (USA), Anna Fata American Attaché, Giulia Iop (Italy),  Fr. Roger Landry American Attaché and Internship Director,  Juan Daray (The Philippines), Alexander MacDonald (Canada) and Reyna Anderson (USA).

Summer 2018

L-R: Maroun Maalouf (Palestine), Michelle Rioux (Canada), Leo Keay (UK), Giulia Maniezzi (Italy), Marco Bachmann (Italy), Giuseppe Beretta (Italy), Jonathan Van Pham (USA), and Augustin Gick (France) (not pictured: Michelle Perez, Aaron Salvan)

Spring 2018

Crisostomo "Sunny" Ala (The Philippines), Aaron Salvan (The Philippines), Michelle Perez (USA), Kathleen Mullally (USA), Michelle Rioux (Canada), Kathleen "Kit" Driscoll (USA), Giulia Maniezzi (Italy), Koreen Cueto, and Nalisha "Mena" Men (China) (not pictured: Camille Mascarinas and Marco Bachmann)

Fall 2017

Christopher Jay (USA), Nalisha Mena (China), Michelle Rioux (Canada), Camille Mascarinas (USA), Catherine Doolan (USA), Rebecca Rethwisch (USA), and Kirsten Rischert-Garcia (USA).

Summer 2017

Theresa Mensdorff-Pouilly (Austria), Ugochi Okpe (Nigeria), Andrew Salyer (Florida), Catherine Doolan (New Jersey), David Szmigielski (Illinois), Tessa McGowan (Connecticut), Louis Cona (Rockville Center).

Spring 2017

Anna Marie Landis, Jackie Yap, Veronika Picker, Stefano Zordan, Lauren Holcombe
(Not pictured: Maggie Hutchison, Giorgio Mazzoli, Eugenio Voticky, Theresa Mensdorff-Pouilly)