By Holy See Mission
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rev. Christopher Pollard212-370-7885 Ext. 30cpollard@holyseemission.orgNew York, NY, June 10 – Professor Jane Adolphe, Associate Professor of Law at
Ave Maria School of Law and a member of the Holy See Delegation, addressed this
afternoon the United Nations General Assembly on the closing day of the UN
High-level meeting on HIV/AIDS, speaking on behalf of Archbishop Francis
Chullikatt, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations.Pointing out that “approximately 117,000 health care
facilities around the world, the Catholic Church alone provides over 25% of all
care for those living with HIV and AIDS, especially children”, she stated that
the Holy See “delegation remains committed to achieving the goal of halting and
reversing the spread of HIV by promoting the only universally effective, safe
and affordable means of halting the spread of the disease: abstinence before
marriage and mutual fidelity within marriage, avoiding risk taking and
irresponsible behaviors and promoting universal access to drugs which prevent
the spread of HIV from mother-to-child”.While “combating the spread of HIV does not require
expensive drugs and commodities, which seek to diminish the consequences of
dangerous and irresponsible behavior”, “new studies have demonstrated that
access to anti-retroviral drugs provides not only a means for treating the
disease but also a means for reducing the risks of spreading it. However, access to anti-retroviral therapy
continues to be out of reach for many of the poorest and most vulnerable. In low and middle income countries
approximately 15 million people are living with HIV but only 5.2 million have
access to the life-saving treatment they need”.The statement of the Holy See Delegation also drew
attention to the need to support the families who take care of loved ones
living with HIV and AIDS, not to mention the approximately 16 million orphans
whose families have been taken away by the disease. Families also play a role in formation and
education, where “parents have the primary right, responsibility and duty” to
teach their children responsible human behavior.For
the full texts of the Statements of the Permanent Observer and for more
information about the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United
Nations, please visit To contact
the Holy See Press Office, please click here.
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