On May 17, the Holy See gave an intervention during a United Nations event entitled "SDG Action Event on Innovation and Connectivity," as part of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
In its statement, the Holy See praised the enormous technological progress that has been occurring and said that it is important to seize the opportunities it provides and manage the risks. It noted that Pope Francis has sought to encounter persons and peoples throughout the world through the means this technology provides, noting Pope Francis’ millions of Twitter followers and record-breaking number of retweets, as well as his recent “TED Talk,” in which the Pope Francis called for a “revolution of tenderness” to accompany the technological revolution. This tenderness is not weakness, he said, but rather a form of compassion that considers the inclusion of the most vulnerable in the quest to discover advancements in science and technology.
The statement can be found here.