Mr. Chair,
The United Nations peacekeeping operations constitute a powerful demonstration of the solidarity of Member States to restore peace in conflict-affected regions. By working together, Member States pave the way for stable and secure societies, embodying their shared responsibility to protect vulnerable populations and promote enduring peace. Today’s discussion about the successes and challenges of these operations should lead to a renewed commitment to fostering an environment in which peace can flourish, to the benefit not only of the countries involved, but of the global community as a whole.
The evolution of peacekeeping operations has been demonstrated by the adaptation of mandates to address the complex and changing challenges present in various regions. Initially focused on monitoring ceasefires, these operations have expanded to encompass a range of vital tasks, including the protection of civilians, the support of political processes, and the promotion of human rights. This adaptability remains a crucial factor in ensuring that peacekeeping efforts remain relevant and effective, thereby enabling them to make a meaningful contribution towards the rebuilding of societies affected by conflict.
Mr. Chair,
In the context of rising geopolitical tensions, environmental crises and an increase in human rights violations, the importance of peacekeeping operations is greater than ever. However, it is regrettable to note that these missions encounter difficulties in securing the consistent and unified support from Member States. This not only undermines their effectiveness but also impedes the political processes they are intended to support.
My Delegation expresses profound concern over the recent attacks on peacekeeping personnel. These incidents not only jeopardize the safety of those who serve in these vital missions but also undermine the broader efforts to foster stability and protect vulnerable populations. Member States must reaffirm their shared commitment to ensuring the safety of peacekeeping personnel and unite in support of these vital operations, whose work is essential to fostering peace and stability in our world.
In this regard, my Delegation would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to all peacekeepers, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of peace. Their bravery and dedication in the face of danger reflect the highest ideals of humanity and commitment to the common good.
Mr. Chair,
As we convene in this Committee to reaffirm the importance of peacekeeping operations during these challenging times, allow me to conclude with the words of Pope Francis: “Peace is a great and precious value, the object of our hope and the aspiration of the entire human family.”[1]
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
[1] Pope Francis, Message for the the 53rd World Day of Peace, 1 January 2020.